Get up. Until you discover it is already daytime and the Amazon dawn is visible in the blue sky. When you open your boat’s window, a symphony of bird sounds fills the air. You’re taking an amazing journey down the Paraaic rivers on the Alter of the Ground.

One of the most distinctive and friendly communities in the Amazon awaits us. Our small group will be staying on land alone at Casa da Orla, which offers a panoramic view of the Tapajós River and the Island of Love from the highest point in the community.

Every day, untouched nature and a variety of outdoor activities are all around you in this place. We cordially encourage you to take a peaceful stroll through the Tapajós National Forest and visit Samama, a 600-year-old tree, one of the most magnificent Amazonian igrape trees.

Navigation is used to complete the voyage via three distinct river environments and their diverse species. Early risers will fall in love with the sun’s reflection on the sea and the intensity of the sky’s beautiful colors.

Strategic pauses provide peace on one of the deserted river beaches. We’ll set up the network and bring delicacies from Parae for you to enjoy paradise at your own pace, so you can unwind.

Additionally, there is typical cooking. A delicious dinner of pirate-themed grilled seafood was served beachside to cap off the special schedule. The smell alone makes me want to pack just thinking about it.

Are you prepared to take it all in? Have fun and just chat with our travel specialists.

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