When you’re in paradise, you need time to enjoy the place at your own pace. That’s what we offer in our custom itinerary to the Uyuni Salar, the gigantic Bolivian salt desert: freedom.

Traveling through the loneliness of the desert, appreciating every second of silence and its infinite white color in its own way. The immersive stay at the Airstream Camper, a comfortable and out-of-the-ordinary accommodation, is designed so you and your companions have no barriers.while exploring Uyuni.

Travelers manage everything while being always driven by a 4×4 vechicle, driver, and guide. They choose how long to stay in each location and get to experience amazing things like sleeping in a salt desert and stargazing from their bedroom window.

Good gastronomy doesn’t stay off the journey, a chef is prepared to cook for travelers and turn a simple dinner into a special occasion.

Explore the world with Danza Travels.

To experience it all, just speak to one of our extraordinary travel experts and decide your boarding date. Nice experience.


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