A journey of experiences, The Route of Emotions. The circuit is ideal for individuals who want to get away from the stressful life of metropolitan areas and settle down in nature because it passes by paradisiacal beaches, towering dunes, and numerous charming settlements in the states of Maranho, Piau, and Ceará.

Nature always makes the entire travel enjoyable, with more rural airs yet without sacrificing comfort. We began at the Preguiças River and will follow that route for a while to reach the small village of Tapuio, where we will learn about the artisan manufacture of a Maranha delicacy called cassava flour.

Of course, the Maranho Sheets National Park circuit cannot be overlooked when in Maranho. Great dunes must be cleared, and the summit offers a magnificent vista of sparkling lakes.

You can go for a stroll across the dunes, swim in the lakes, have a picnic, or use Lençóis to arrange your flight tour. They are extraordinary encounters that increase one’s enjoyment of life.

Beautiful vistas are reserved in Paraiba, the only Delta in the Americas. For its display of diverse ecosystems, this stop is a must-have thanks to its dunes, mangoes, and rich, life-filled biodiversity.

You can see why Jericoacoara National Park is included in the Route of Emotions as you traverse there. We ride in a buggy through the enormous Blue Lakes and its intensely blue water. The trip to Pierced Rock is a must-do after a revitalizing bath, just like capturing a picture of the rock formations and the waves.

Plan a trip; everything going off without a hitch. Create new and wonderful memories. The guides are fairly good, and the nature is perfect. Your attention will be drawn to the fact that nature remained largely unharmed. Danza Travels & Tours is your sure plug.

Contact our specialists if you wish to experience this moment as well.


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