In the sky, an immensity of lights that emanate good energies. On earth, breathtaking landscapes and a culture admirable for its delicacy. We’re going to Thailand on a special itinerary that will highlight one of the most important moments in the country: the Lantern Festival.

Everything starts in Bangkok. The area will be well recognized with a guide who has in-depth knowledge of each of the historic structures with a power that transcends human knowledge.

The Grand Palace in Bangkok, the enormous Reclining Buddha, and the Golden Buddha, which weighs more than 5 tons of solid material, are a few instances of how religion also marks historical events in Thailand.

Visit the market on the Maeklong Tracks for a closer look at the customs and traditions; here, goods are for sale in the middle of the tracks and are quickly gathered before the next wagon arrives.

An immersion day at the Elephant Rescue Park takes visitors closer to a real sanctuary and conservation haven while being close to tradition and environment. Extreme regard is shown for animals here.

Of course, Phi Phi Island has to be included whilst in Thailand. Our unique itinerary also includes a visit to one of Southeast Asia’s most well-known crystal-water islands.

Dubai greets us with carefully organized trips to end in style. Contact us, and we’ll take you.

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