Three large volcanoes unnative for 3 million years formed what the natives call Rapa Nui and today we know as Easter Island. The unique culture marked by the iconic stone statues, the moai, which represent the religion and beliefs of the local people are some of the most famous attractions around the world.

Peaceful paradise beaches and a good shade to rest are part of the attractions, but it is the rich cultural heritage of the Rapa Nui people that makes the trip to Easter Island so impressive: well-preserved archaeological sites can always be explored with lush nature of cloth of the bottom.

It is more fascinating to learn about this aspect of cultural history from people who are knowledgeable about the topic. One of the points of interest for visitors staying at Nayarahangaroa is this. The hotel’s staff is made up of locals who are passionate about their country and have extensive historical knowledge. It is fully sustainable and committed to preserving local culture.

All expeditions put the traveler in contact with wildlife and culture, in addition to offering an all inclusive system, from transfer to tour menu, all organised by the team so that your journey is focused on new discoveries.

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