Parents that appreciate being involved in their kids’ education are constantly looking for enriching events that will make for memorable childhood experiences. It becomes simpler to assimilate culture and learn history as a family. Our eight-day tour of Peru’s ancient sites is ideal for fusing family cultural wealth with education.

The biggest fountain and light show in all of Latin America is in Lima, and it delights both adults and children alike with its water fountains that combine with the lights. It also makes parents’ hearts smile to see the gleam in their children’s eyes.

There are various more required stops en route to the renowned Peruvian location, Machu Picchu, to broaden the understanding of all visitors. The little ones learn that there are cultures and traditions other than our own by taking a stroll through the San Blas district, exploring every inch of Plaza de Cusco, or by having a tasty chicha morada, purple maize drink.

You get that feeling when you visit the Sacred Valley since the natural surroundings there are still marked by the Inca lifestyle that once predominated there. Visits to Ollantaytambo’s agricultural center, the Moray archaeological complex with its saltines, and Chinchero’s attractions and natural images are completely different from the norm.

You’re hungry after all that walking, aren’t you? Kids enjoy cooking and learning during a culinary session with a local chef hosted. The entire stay is intended for family vacations.

Even a trip to Machu Picchu is transformed into a fun adventure when parents and kids embark on a guided tour while carrying an explorer’s kit.

You and your family deserve to experience all of these. Contact our extraordinary travel experts

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