A place with a recognizable characteristic: the biggest interior delta in the world. Thanks to the government’s initiative to conserve the nation’s natural splendors and indigenous culture, Botswana is a diversified nation that places a priority on responsible tourism.

This makes visiting the country complex, reinforcing even more the need to visit it alongside a team of experts and the organization made up of an experienced traveler, such as Danza Travels & Tours.

Delta water is revered in the nation as the source of all life in the area. Because of this, the biodiversity is complex and there are more animals here than everywhere else in Africa.

Private lodges are typically located in secluded areas of the Okavango Delta and must be accessed by air in order to get close to the animals. Thanks to such luxurious safaris and the sensation of being completely surrounded by nature, everything is justified.

The Big 5 and several other creatures, including crocodiles, giraffes, antelopes, and other birds, can be seen on the Moremi Reserve, for instance. While elephants rule Chobe National Park, the largest species in the world, the Kalahari is ruled by more than 71,000 of these animals.

It is “a wilder experience than going on a safari, just you and nature in its rawest state,” according to our CEO Gloria Kalu, who has traveled to the nation and made the assurance. Gloria also emphasizes how the lodges use the musical talent of all guests to make dinners great experiences.

Become the following tourist to learn more about a nation like Botswana.

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