There are few places that can match not only the beauty but also the game viewing that South Luangwa offers up on a daily basis.

The national park is well revered for its high density of leopards and its consistent wild dog sightings. It is also home to the endemic Thornicroft giraffe and the rare Cookson’s wildebeest.

Spotting a flock of guinea fowl nearby. this young leopard adopted her stealth mode.

Using an innate blend of caution and reckless speed, she stalked to the edge of the plain, and then charged over the rim into the gulley below.

Silence. She had clearly decided that they were out of reach, so she pulled her punch at the final moment. To ambush and fail would only alert all nearby prey to her presence. So to stealth, agility and reckless speed, we can add an extraordinary ability to know her limitations.

Leopards make constant 3D assessments of their surroundings, balancing risks against rewards in hundreds of calculations each moment. Superb predators.

Calling all safari goers.

Below are a few of the tree-lined streets of Lusaka, Zambia’s capital. Jacarandas (purple) are common in a number of Southern African cities, and are beautifully complimented by Delonix Regia (or Flamboyant).

Trees are like the lungs of our planet and aside from adding beauty to urban areas; they also reduce pollution, provide much-needed shade in the heat, and help prevent erosion and flooding in the rainy season.

What is your favourite African city and do you have a favourite tree?

Take a plunge into the Devils Pool and witness life on the edge of the Victoria Falls.

Zambezi River is the fourth largest river in Africa that flows through 4 countries and finally meets the Indian Ocean.

Take some time out to relax and enjoy the beauty of the Zambezi River on a boat cruise.

The Zambeze River is Africa’s fourth longest river, and it flows through several countries; Zambia, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

You probably know it by its waterfalls, the stunning Victoria Falls, because it’s a real natural spectacle. Although it is also characterized by its stunning landscapes. The river and its surroundings are home to a great amount of wildlife.

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