Our director, Glory Kalu, experienced unforgettable moments in her visit in Africa. She visited Ethiopia and returned with a wealth of knowledge to help the entire Danza team improve their on-site expertise.

Ethiopia is a location distinguished by its strong cultural and religious presence, which makes excitement take over the journey and surprise travelers. This is very different from its neighboring nations.

African tribes resisted colonizers and fought to preserve the culture of the territory. Meanwhile, Ethiopia as a nation has grown marked by stories of resilience of the people, which prides itself on being the only African nation that was never colonized.

When visiting Lalibela, a magnificent area with eleven rock-carved churches and castles that take us back to what was once the capital of the Ethiopian Empire, the powerful cultural presence and religiousness are too much. The location continues to serve as a venue for frequent ancestral celebrations. For tourists that enjoy the present, seeing one of them is an amazing experience.

Gondar, a city with a strong sense of history, is highlighted by medieval castles and the church of Debre Berhan Selassie, which is adorned with a hundred cherubim faces and is rich of art.

Nature has also blessed Ethiopia with phenomenal landscapes. Lake Tana is impressive for its size and the presence of important tribes in addition to the beautiful monasteries. The Simiens Mountains National Park is another nature attraction that is a must for travelers: mountains, valleys, plateaus and gigantic walls form part of a contemplative landscape.

“Getting to know Ethiopia is exciting, I came back surprised by the natural, cultural beauties and delighted by the responsiveness of the people.” says Glory, who is ready to help you experience unique moments like the ones she just experienced. Are you interested? Get in touch and embark on this journey of transformation.


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