The Louvre is the biggest museum in the world. It is so big that it’s actually impossible to see the whole museum in one visit!

If you spent 30 seconds at each piece, it would take you 100 days to see every piece of art in the Louvre museum!

There are 7,500 paintings in the museum, of which about 66% are all done by French artists.

This time we enjoyed the charms of the Louvre from the in and outside, because visiting a museum in this country is like a dream crazy days in a cube.

Even if you’re not a fan of museums, you simply must visit the Louvre Museum when in Paris because of its breathtaking view.

Why? Since these are well-known pieces that are authentic and unaltered, without any copies, hehe To mention a few: Venus de Milo, La Joconde (Mona Lisa), Freedom, and a plethora of other figures.

Furthermore, the Museum is magnificent, lovely, and enormous on its own; we only explored a small portion of it.

The Louvre, where art and history meet in every corner.

When in Paris, go to the Louvre, and just wander. Each room has a beautiful masterpiece to discover.

This Greek sculpture is a statue of Niké, the goddess of Victory, dating from the beginning of the 2nd century BC. The religious monument was originally found on the island of Samothrace, North of the Aegean Sea.

Walking around in this museum, the details stopped me in my tracks and I stood there staring for a long time. I love the concept of a painting (or in this case “paintings”) within a painting. The “Gallery of Views of Ancient Rome” by Giovanni Paolo Pannini had details so meticulously painted, it leaves the viewer in awe.

I could spend forever describing each work of art here. It was such a beautiful sight to behold. I was absolutely awestruck.

For a visit to this gigantic museum, one day is definitely not enough. The Louvre Museum Paris is divided into three wings: Denon, Richelieu and Sully. We started early in the morning to visit the Denon wing. Compare to the other wings, it is extremely crowded and hectic. This is because the wing is the house of the most famous painting in the world, Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da vinci. With a through planning however, we manage to see and taking photos with the best (highly recommended to view) artwork in this wing

Compared to an A2 piece of paper, the Mona Lisa is merely marginally larger.

The sight of Ms. Lisa grinning broadly at throngs of tourists attempting to take pictures of her from every angle was a bland experience.

I stood on my toes, stretched my hands, and clicked her in a matter of nanoseconds by taking advantage of my slightly tall build.

Sincerely, I can’t recall anything I saw inside the Louvre save Ms. Lisa, and I mostly blame myself for being a naive tourist who, despite using the audio tour, spent most of the time “looking” at the magnificent artwork without actually comprehending it.

Step into masterpiece.

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