The Mendoza area stands out among wine lovers as one that delights with its superb flavor. The Vale do Uco, at the foot of the Andes, is ideally situated for the best wines to emerge from its temperate environment.

The malbec grape is the hero, but with a glass of wine and the best Argentinian meats, a variety of additional smells and flavors can be unlocked.

It’s understandable that Worlds Best Vineyards earned the award for best winery in the world for 2023 from Catena Wines given that everything produced in Mendoza is made in the most authentic and superior manner.

Two of our Danza Travelers, have recently returned from their trip after falling in love with the locale. Mendoza is a wonderful vacation spot for wine lovers! The Vale de Uco suggestion was very helpful. The Vines is a fantastic experience with outstanding food. They describe their trip as being “receptive with fantastic guides and drivers.”

Far from the tastings, the outdoor tours also reflect the charm that is traveling through Mendoza. Riding along the wine route by bike and having direct contact with nature or those who know how to take advantage of riding are the most sought-after options.

Getting to know Luján de Cuyo also guarantees more unmissable experiences for your script. There are several wineries to enjoy, being able to visit several in the same day and end the visits with a beautiful Argentinian lunch.

Call your travel partner, we will plan a personalized itinerary. The good wines are the star of the experience.

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