With each dive, the endless beaches of Palawan Island transport you to paradise. El Nido, one of the highlights of this part of the Philippines, was long overlooked by tourists from around the globe until its picture-perfect scenery captured the hearts and minds of nature enthusiasts.

The scenery of forests, rock walls, and crystal clear waters is ideal for high-sea snorkeling excursions. The Big Lagoon, a massive saltwater lagoon encircled by towering limestone walls, is the main attraction.

Another must-see spot of the trip around the Philippines is at one of the best spots to see shipwrecks from WWII: Coron Island. Impressively. the island boasts an intense amount of marine life extremely preserved by coral reefs.

On this island there is also a lake that stands out for its grandeur and relevance in nature. Barracuda Lake is one of the most exotic in the entire region, surrounded by rock formations that spout out of the sea forming huge walls. Another must-see attraction is Twin Lagoons, two lakes composed of emerald-colored waters and coral reefs perfect for watching fich.

To enjoy all of this always accompanied by a guide, you just have to book our special departure. We ensure the selection of the best hotels and tours so you can enjoy only the best bits of Philippines without worrying about anything.

If you prefer a tailor-made script for you, talk to our team of expert consultants. We know the destination on the spot and guarantee your best journey.

Contact us here https://wa.me/2348038691654

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