Would you like to spend some time interacting with nature in its purest form? To learn more about the best of Johannesburg, Cape Town, Victoria Falls, and the Kruger Park, we have a scheduled Portuguese-speaking guided group excursion.

Day trips that include live safaris will fully remove you from the hustle and bustle of city life and introduce you to the wild. Animals can be seen hunting, interacting with one another, and bringing their offspring out into the world in the Kruger Park region. The richness of animals in Chobe National Park, already in Botswana, is the center of attention.

On a voyage through a variety of settings, encounters with water and mountains are also had. The seal colony at the Hout Bay stop enjoys the visitors, and as we drive across the Cape of Good Hope, we are transported to a bygone era at a historically significant location.

How about unwinding and taking in the landscape of Stellenbosch wines with so many lovely opportunities for natural contact? Visit the Pinotage vineyard and have a wine sampling.

Allow Victory Falls’ vitality and brutal force to inspire you and help you fall in love with the traditions and customs of the nearby tiny populations. It’s a visit from those who have been affected by the power of nature in their memories.

Of course, the most renowned sunset in South Africa has to be included in this particular itinerary, so let’s climb Table Mountain to take in the scene.

Want to know all the details about this breathtaking trip?

Speak to our experts and pack your bags https://wa.me/2348038691654

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